Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Fault In Our Stars

I am able to do some odds and ends around the house today, so I give to you my Goodreads review of #TFioS as a meager offering. It feels good to post more often, and I am doing my best to do just that as I can. I want to delve further into this book regarding disability, chronic pain and other issues here soon. Right now we are still passing it around at home and starting some really good discussions together.

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you, John Green for a great book, and a piece that my daughters and my menfolk and I could all share. Thank you for the community and other efforts you and your's maintain and nurture.

As I was reading TFiOS, I could have sworn that a Spoonie wrote it. I could have sworn that the author must have personally experienced certain health events to have written them so well. Some of the specifics of being chronically ill, of disability, of unrelenting physical suffering are very well described - along with the emotional, familial, and social baggage it can bring. Unlike most works that deal with these issues, this is not made the center of the universe of the characters, which is a welcome uniqueness.

I recommend The Fault in Our Stars highly, but to enumerate why would be to take apart something you should be able to enjoy whole first.

So far, half of the Family here has read it and we all are very taken with it. It has sparked ongoing talks about exactly what constitutes Young Adult fiction - in a content sense, not in a subject sense. What happens to the characters in here happens to kids, and it is handled in what feels like a very real, honest way.

We will discuss this book here at home for a long time, I think, and that is a great thing.

Note: this was written on a brain fog day. Please pardon the irony of a review that is itself so poorly written for a book that is so well formed.

View all my reviews

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